If you are passionate about your music and want to get involved with spreading the word about Medium Troy consider joining our Street Team. We need people with all kinds of talents who are willing to give some of their time and energy. When the band comes to your city we need people do help promote the show by putting up posters, bringing their friends and posting about the show on social media. Depending on the commitment you make, you can be our guest at the show, get exclusive invites to after-parties and other cool things,
If you are friendly and outgoing we need you to collect emails at shows. We need help with putting more music, videos and pictures on the website. Sometimes we need a place to crash when we’re touring.
Want to get involved? Let us know using the CONTACT FORM and tell us how you think you can help. Be sure to leave an email and phone so we can get in touch.
JoJo, Jesse, Conner